Saturday, May 21, 2011

The adventure begins...let the good times roll!

For all our potential new blog followers, welcome to the Junquè Factory! I will be adding photos of our new home soon! Keep your eyes peeled for all the details on everything.  This blogging thing is new to me, but I'm going to try my best.  Talk to you all soon


  1. Hi! I was at the Venice Antique Mall today and picked up one of your flyers for the show you are going to have in June....I am looking forward to it, it sounds like we have a lot in common with a love of vintage and salvaged junk. I'm looking forward to coming to your show!

  2. Hi! Glad to hear that people are finding my flyers! I'm so glad your coming to the show. There's going to be alot of good salvaged junk! Thanks for finding me..I'll come and visit your blog take care
